Cooking for only two people generally leaves me with an abundance of leftover ingredients. Recently, I had purchased a huge bunch of basil for an Insalata Caprese. My bunch of leftover arugula was looking a bit sad as well. Hmmmm, what about a Basil Arugula Pesto? What a great way to use extra ingredients before they spoil! My pesto is a slightly different take on the traditional basil pesto.

This pesto is super easy as long as you have a food processor or blender. Basil leaves, arugula, pine nuts, garlic, parmesan, salt, and olive oil combine to make a tasty condiment! Use it in soups, pasta sauces, pasta salads, on pizzas, or even as a heavenly spread for a toasted baguette.

Additionally, you can freeze the pesto for up to 6 months for a taste of summer in winter. A great way to use up that abundance of basil before the first frost.

From the kitchen of A Food Lover’s Delight….
Basil Arugula Pesto
1/4 c pine nuts
2 peeled garlic cloves, coarsely chopped
2 c fresh basil leaves, packed
2 c fresh arugula, packed
1 c grated parmesan cheese
2 t salt (more or less depending on the saltiness of the parmesan cheese)
1/2 c extra virgin olive oil, more or less depending on consistency desired
1. In a food processor using the metal blade, process the pine nuts and garlic with the pulse (on and off) option until finely chopped, scraping down the sides of the bowl periodically.
2. Add the basil and arugula and process until the mixture is finely chopped, a few minutes.
3. Add the parmesan cheese and salt and process a minute or so. Scrape down the sides of the bowl.
4. With the food processor on continuously, drizzle in the olive oil until the mixture starts to thicken a bit. Process until the desired consistency is achieved.
5. Use immediately or store in refrigerator. To store in the refrigerator, move the pesto to a non-metallic storage container with a lid, cover the surface with a thin blanket of olive oil, cover the pesto with plastic wrap, pressed into the pesto so it doesn’t discolor, cover with the lid, and refrigerate for up to a week. You can freeze this pesto by following the refrigerator storage steps and just putting in the freezer for up to 6 months. “Chip off” a few pesto pieces after it’s frozen to use in your cooking.
Makes about a cup of pesto.
Variations: Use oregano instead of basil. Omit the arugula and use 4 c of basil leaves. Use different nuts such as walnuts if you don’t have pine nuts. You can add some freshly cracked black pepper to the pesto.
www.afoodloversdelight.com (Copyright Adroit Ideals 2014)
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