A Food Lover’s Delight was created to share discussion, knowledge and learning with fellow Food Lovers — AND to serve as a repository for my favorite recipes. Hope they become your favorites, too! There’s over 350 recipes from which to choose. Traditional recipes have been lightened and made healthier with suggestions in the “variations” section of the posting.
I offer quite the variety of recipes including vegetarian, vegan, and whole food plant-based options as well as traditional. If you love my “Best Spaghetti with Meat Sauce” then I encourage you to try my meatless “Lentil Marinara Sauce” over spaghetti. They’re alike but different and I love them both.
As you read through the postings, please feel free to comment and talk about your favorite foods, recipes, gourmet food stores, restaurants, and any other general food topics. Also, if you do try a recipe, please let me know how it turned out.
I DO NOT repost verbatim other food bloggers’ or cookbook authors’ recipes. All of these recipes are either my own or adapted (with permission) from a relative or friend’s original recipe where I’ve made some changes, or taken from a published recipe that became a “family” recipe over the years with our personal take on it. So annoying to excitedly read a recipe and find out it’s been copied verbatim from another person’s work.

If you check out my Eating Healthier posting, you will see how my husband and I can eat all this tasty food and still stay thin. We lost a combined total of 45 lbs by changing the way that we eat and cooking mostly from scratch. Your body and health are important. Take the time to Eat Healthier. Spend some time with your family cooking in the kitchen and trying my recipes. In most recipes, I will note how to “lighten” the recipe by using different ingredients. When people meet me in person, they are surprised at how FIT (and THIN) that I am with all this wonderful food that we eat. Portion control and using the best ingredients I can find…are the secrets. And you can look great, too.
My Cooking “Credentials”….
The Food Lover, that’s ME, has been cooking for decades either for myself, my husband, friends, family, and others. Based on my love of cooking, I was selected by Bon Appetit magazine as a Super Foodie in 2012 just after A Food Lover’s Delight blog went live in late 2012! Basically self-taught, I learned a lot from watching PBS cooking shows such as Cooking with Julia Child and The Frugal Gourmet. When FoodTV came about, I finally realized that I was just as good of a “cook” as some of those TV stars! My husband is a great cook on his own and I have included a number of his recipes on this site as well.
Additionally, I have been invited to participate in a number of invitation-only food and non-food forums. The Food Lover thrives as a Washington Post Advisory Panel Recipe Reviewer, a Target “Hey Bullseye!” Insider, a Home Depot DIY Panel participant, a Maru Springboard America Consumer Review Community participant, a GoDaddy Customer Council Member, a Driscolls Panel Member and an advisor in the My Shopper Voice online community for Giant Food grocery stores. And most recently, I have been invited to join the Saks Fifth Avenue Advisors panel on fashion. Previously, I was a Whole Foods Market Shopper Team Member until the Amazon acquisition of Whole Foods Market ended that special program.
As food and gardening pretty much complement each other, I am an avid gardener and love to visit destination gardens. Check out “A Gardener’s Delight” for information on kitchen gardens, general gardening, and destination gardens. A Gardener’s Delight offers advice and discussion on all topics of delight to a gardener.

Although I’ve lived most of my life in the United States on the West Coast, the Midwest, the NorthEast and the South, I also lived in Europe for a few years. Currently, I live outside of Washington, DC in a suburb of Virginia just a stone’s throw from a little quaint town called Clifton, Virginia.
If you’re a dog lover like me, follow our dog Atticus on his Facebook page. He’s quite the character and loves to indulge in our food quests. And he loves bananas!

Please feel free to contact me via email at A Food Lover’s Delight.
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NOTICE OF FULL DISCLOSURE: Some links on this website contain affiliate links through Amazon.com, Pepperjam Marketing, LinkShare, Target.com and other associated affiliate sites. I MAY receive a small commission but only if you make a qualifying purchase after clicking on my link. These small commissions help pay for hosting and upkeep on A Food Lover’s Delight and its sister website(s).
DISCLAIMER: A Food Lover’s Delight is not responsible for inappropriate, untested, or other questionable comments from visitors to this site. Please follow all advice at your own risk.
All photos with origins/owners not identified in their captions are the property of A Food Lover’s Delight and Adroit Ideals Copyright 2021. Reuse permitted only with written approval. The watermarking plug-in may incorrectly identify an image as A Food Lover’s Delight’s property — the correct identifier is in the caption under the image. My apologies to anyone whose image’s ownership is incorrectly identified. Send me a message and I’ll be sure to update image/photo ownership.
Tell me what you think!