Balsamic Vinegar Syrup is simple to make! I use it often in my favorite Insalata Caprese – Tomato and Mozzarella Salad. Balsamic vinegar syrup is tasty drizzled over strips of Parmesan or Manchego cheeses.

Use an inexpensive balsamic vinegar for this recipe. It will still come out rich and flavorful. We buy our balsamic vinegar in bulk at Costco. You can also find good deals on balsamic vinegar at your local grocery store.

You can use this technique for other types of flavored vinegars in order to get that syrupy consistency. The higher the sugar content in the vinegar, the better your result. I have also used a raspberry-infused balsamic vinegar and a pear-infused balsamic vinegar with delicious results!

Also, check out my Kitchen Herb Gardens article for tips on growing your own herbs.

From the kitchen of A Food Lover’s Delight….
Balsamic Vinegar Syrup
One bottle of balsamic vinegar.
Pour an entire bottle of balsamic vinegar into a saucepan over low heat and simmer, stirring often. Let vinegar reduce by about half and thicken slightly.
Vinegar reduction is “done” when it coats the back of a metal spoon. Be careful not to overcook or boil the vinegar reduction or it will caramelize and taste burned.
Keeps in the refrigerator for up to a month in a sealed squeeze bottle or other container. Use on sliced ripe tomatoes as a rich dressing along with olive oil.

If you don’t have a Costco nearby, you can order balsamic vinegar in bulk from Amazon.com in a case of multiple bottles or in a giant jug and have it shipped directly to your door!
If you prefer to buy your own balsamic vinegar syrup, here are some options from Amazon.com:
www.afoodloversdelight.com (Copyright Adroit Ideals 2015)
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